Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Perhaps our whole existence is just a dream.
Maybe we really do care about each other;
Maybe we really listen without interruptions;
Maybe our politicians are decent persons;
Maybe bankers do care for noble causes around the planet;
Maybe nuclear has no side effects;
Maybe pandemic flu is really a problem (to whom)

Maybe we could do something diferent...starting now!

Its funny how we do absorve large qtts of info, and just need 1% of it, at least dreaming has no potencial side effect, hence we can rule in such dimension.

Yep, once again: dream on!


Sonia Schmorantz said...

Talvez toda a nossa existência seja apenas um sonho.
Talvez a gente realmente se preocupa com os outros;
Talvez nós realmente ouvimos sem interrupções;
Talvez os nossos políticos sejam pessoas dignas;
Talvez os banqueiros se preocupem com causas nobres em todo o planeta;
Talvez a bomba nuclear não tenha efeitos secundários;
Talvez uma pandemia de gripe seja realmente um problema (a quem)

Talvez possamos fazer algo diferente ... a partir de agora!

Soa engraçado como fazemos para absorver a grande quantidade de informações, e só precisamos de 1% do mesmo,
pelo menos sonhar não tem nenhum efeito colateral potencial, daí nós podemos descartar de tal

Muito bom este texto! Fiz a tradução a meu jeito para entender melhor, mas gostei muito!
Um abraço

Gallardo Santini said...

Hi Sonia; Thx for dropping by and your translation; I'm glad you like it!

Dreams are not an ilusion, but reality to achieve.

All the best

Max Coutinho said...

Ciao G!

Politicians may be good people...but most aren't (and these were the ones who turned politics into such a mess).
And speaking of unethical politicians: what is Portugal waiting for to impeach its Premier?

Bankers only care about one thing: money! What we need to breed a new race of bankers (ethical ones), and still put a leash on them.

Nuclear has side effects, but it makes my electricity bill a whole lot cheaper (when I am living abroad, obviously).

Pandemic flu...I am not worried about it.

And I find dreams a healthy way of life. We live an illusion for sure...

Excellent article, G!
