-power (control and decide, domination)
-pleasure (sex.... sensitive emotions (touch, ear, see, smell, taste, perception)
-money ( exchange, to buy, buy and buy)
could these, make civilizations fall, even implode? By history many societys have fall and raise based on essencially on a mix of such described points.
No tiranic, no oligarchic, theocratic, not even democratic societys have last forever; So how long could we expect that our societys ("western " ones) last? Babylons, Greeks, Lacedemonees, Romans, Egiptians, Maya with such a "balanced vision" haven't been hable to sustain their own people, invaders etc.
So my point is, since we are living in a such a speed of light, i expect that our societys, the way they are established, be conducted to an end (for instance a multinational company could buy a country because of its debt? could a country finance another and receive that territory as payment of a debt?)
We are movers...so we keep moving!