Showing posts with label Tails. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tails. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Loved the smell of that cold morning
of October, where the red could be noticed
between the yellow, brown and green of that landscape.

There were some sharpen iced puddles in the way.
Smiled because i was alive.
Some kid cross my steps demanding me:

- STOP!!! otherwise you'll broke the ice under your foot;
- ..And?!-i asked him, without understanding is point.
-Well there's a plant that grows there, so i would like it to grow!
-But i'll have to continue in my way, i can't waste my time-i argued.
-Not this one...PLEASE; This one is special and is mine!

So i did step aside and move forward.... i look back from my shoulder

and realise that there were some older kids that breaking the iced puddle

without any contemplation for the other kid's request;

The next small puddle, that crossed to me, i broke it on purpose.....

The air was cold to get in the loungs the breeze almost freezed my nose

and some leaves were falling.