Friday, October 19, 2018

A minority dictatorship

Much have been said (and has been actually a buzz) about how extreme right wing(ers) are getting in power in so many countries. Examples are all over.
Is this a sign of change?
Of democracy?
Or just an assault to a recent past?

Let's get all these mixed up.

We are on the verge to say that minority have an empowered voice given by context circumstances (meaning media and social networks), we may also point out that a new kind of democracy is emerging from the social networks, and that would be the true representativeness of citizens;
E.g. if parties don't exclaim citizens requirements, they try to be heard by other means, and that can be interesting in a certain philosophic way, but could be not considering society rules, laws, constitutions. Somehow it feels like there's a chain link missing somewhere....
We have many examples that parties follow their own agenda besides citizens aspirations, and that can be extremely frustrating to the weakest link : the citizen; Having a distorted weight of its representation; So peoples opinions are diverse  and divided about many subjects, and its easy to follow a trend (even if's fabricated to serve a purpose) - and this is something that is somehow dangerous;
You can have a muscled opinion that arises from "followers"; in a minute at "click" distance. And that muscled opinion evolve to a movement and gets democratically  to power.... you can see where this goes...

So its democratically dangerous power given to something to someone barely randomly;

Yep "the joke has come upon me" @Pixies Nimrods son