Showing posts with label economia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label economia. Show all posts

Monday, December 8, 2014

Bubble breaker

i just remember when bubbles only represented to me summer water soap cups and with it to make floating empty thoughts which could fly high and high..... though it has been a time since that has happened, the bubbles seem to perpetue under several shapes. Lets take Roubini "Doom" analyst bubble.... according his own predictions,  2016 will be the stock  market crash year... because of the public debt "thought" that flown so high that, as other bubbles, it explodes in stratosphere. Is difficult to accept, but the gears just rolled free, there's possibly no mechanism that can oppose to the path of a crash... (personally i thought that it would happen sooner).
So, how to grow GDP in such a way that you could sustainably spare, to pay debt, or how to create enough commodities as royalties that you don't need to increase production, but rather only recognized added value for what you've already have, in the short term? I really can't figure how, but the "wild card" named corruption (the lack of it, actually) would certainly produce strong results in the most severe foresights / scenarios.
At the end, all "PIGS" or not, like to play in their own mud....

Friday, January 31, 2014


About Super Bowl censured Soda commercial:
 "is just a matter of establish standards ... once is done, there will be more to follow afterwards... the system hypocrisy is that everyone is doing something that looks like (banking, food, pharmaceutical, you name it), ... and are accepted or not accordingly the key players (usually the powerful ones)... so what to?, besides citizens really take the destiny that they want...."

Clearly that this debate has its epicenter wherever someone wants to put it, and surely its roots depend on who will be affected (how loud you have made your shout).
I'll try to focus here very briefly,and in a random order, several issues :

Marketing Strategy and Product itself, the commercial content, the fuss....

-as for the marketing, well sometimes a censure has much more advertising effects than a whole campaign itself... so this leads me to the "what if" this was done on purpose? (except the side effects on miss Johansson). Market are the soda consumers or energetic beverages consumers also;

- the product itself is an innovation, a portable device to have soda at home... ( that would make some cola and beverage brands go nuts.... and make them possibly what they can to stop it.... or in time, follow it). Of course there are the consumables such as the CO2 bottle, the flavouring spares, maintenance contracts etc... so the basic concept as for espresso coffee or the trendy "do it by yourself", "tailored made".

-the commercial itself is very visual, the actress is surely appealing, the lines are in my opinion too shallow, who would expected more ?!... this is not properly a "Vicky Cristina Barcelona", directed by Woody Allen); of course there is sexism and in sum the whole script could be a bit more ... polite, but for essentially a manly football fan audience, someone just followed his basic instinct which is in this case, sex.

-finally about the fuss itself.... this is just hypocrisy,  as i've said above every major company try to reduce is costs wherever in the world... being Energy, Finance, Coffee, Cocoa, Pharma or Textile.... all over the world, (i wouldnt dare now to point out a country, since this a Global issue);  you could question market rules or foreign laws, so you'll have to act through your mandatory or representative officer, considering you're a living in a democracy where citizens will has an effect.

So is up to people to decide whether to choose where their energy should be spent at, and if it is worth, in a cause effect perspective.

Friday, July 26, 2013


People should be more creative,
creativness is one of our human main core characteristics,
so why not to use it? (at least make things diferent or with different approaches)
Sure if one have no bread at the table to eat,
how creativity would help, in economic point of view?

Lets start from the begining where as we should get proper education,
and context conditions (this means that the environment that surround us
will surelly influence during our lives).

Having that said, i think that should be governments responsibility
to promote society through educational programs...of course that all
implies money (resources).
Education will open consciousness and than after critical espirit....hence
people will question themselves, and from that questioning will result
more society intervention and also awareness for problems and other;

For instance ancient Greece has returned more open thinking with its favourable environment conditions (they had power/ strong army) and through power got knowledge
and through knowledge and stability.... arts, leisure,
new democracy basis (still addopted nowdays).

My end question (perhaps) would be like this:
since politicians can change the world (with all parallel questions of course!!) and are a privileged class (i.e. they have stability and a proper environment), why don't they use their
favourable context to be more creative and really do what they should... which in my opinion is taking care of their citizens and at present with a global view???
