Where do you want to live?
What does connect us all? How do we connect?
Are we living something? Are we living global?
Lets start from a basis where i supposed to writte my
thoughts in some diary, instead on the internet, where
i can only share them, to some close society network.
So, from that point of view i'm living something to feed (perhaps)
someones 2nd life.
"Come and see THE GREATEST WEBCIRCUS today with our last attraction:
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Its curious the way that our intereactions serve us to
develop some basic needs...such as emotions or physical contact;
I only can imagine persons such as the ones that are closed in their perfect world (profets
philosophers, politicians, homer simpson, my friends cat...) that can escape
from that steriotype.
So at the end, we are beings capable to adapt, and create several
masks within ourselves ready to be used .
3DTHOUGHT: 2ND LIFE is a diferent way to spend money and time,
but the "other life" has already been lived before and always will.....