Showing posts with label society. Show all posts
Showing posts with label society. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Thats where we should be in to: a ship ruled by real leaders.
In fact i think there's lot of people lacking references of true motivation and inspiring persons;
(but there surely are a bunch examples...not perfect persons but inspired ones that could and can turn world a better place e.g. aristoteles, magellean, leonard da vinci, mozart, damásio, bill gates, steve jobs, mother teresa of calcuta, phelps...but you wouldnt have to go so far, maybe your father, or your sons are inspiring models)

Once, there was a teacher that told me "first you have to get your house cleaned....." this observation was regarding innovation inside companies.

So how to get the world cleaned? can we divide the problems to simple solvable things and improve for the best of each one of us? Because, i'm certain that almost everyone of us has a special gift that could be worth to enhance and share, and from the diversity of the "best" there would be better solutions to society.

The way i see it It could be done with education driver reinforcement, an education person gets more clarified and aware. This awareness is a starting point for questioning, and from the questioning and discussion answers should be put in place.

For the world get cleaned, such awareness should be balanced fashioned, meaning more equity and less distant gaps.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


friday, october 9th 2009  -  wrote this some years ago to another blog.....

PAZ: Oba!

Muito se tem falado nas virtudes do Presidente Obama. De facto os holofotes estão-lhe tão direccionados que o podem ofuscar. Meio mundo olha para os EUA como uma espécie de guia económico quase como a aguardar o passo seguinte para que decisões estratégicas se tomem; Será um pouco de exagero deixar que uma só nação tome conta do mundo e aliás nestas alturas os EUA querem mesmo aliados (alguém tem de pagar as contas de exércitos privados e de créditos irracionais...) essa factura pesada está ancorar a actividade dos EUA e as pessoas começam a descrer e a ganhar anticorpos salvaguardando-se como podem (ou seja compram menos). Os lobbys sempre farão parte da actividade politica, mas o que o Obama sabia que iria encontrar era uma máquina infernal de lobbying quase impossivel de transpôr; As suas promessas poderão cair por terra sendo que as contas são tantas que talvez as externas, a serem prioritárias, podem-se sobrepor às afamadas healthcare measures e estas nunca passarem de uma miragem. Logicamente que a sua (de Obama) imagem internacional terá um peso decisivo no apoio às tomadas de decisão dificeis (como a gestão de guerras e armamento) e um prémio Nobel é sempre de salientar. Mas sinceramente há 1,5 ano atrás "ninguém" sabia quem era este presidente e o que atrás dessa altura foi feito em prol da dita PAZ. Paz tem um significado único.
Sinceramente espero que esse titulo atribuido seja acompanhado de actos que ultrapassem as expectativas...... do mundo!

Much has been said in the virtues of President Obama. In fact the spotlight is directed him so that can overshadow. Half the world looks to the U.S. as a kind of guide economic almost like waiting for the next step so that strategic decisions are taken, will be a bit of an exaggeration let one nation to take over the world and indeed in these times even the U.S. wants allies (someone has to pay the bills of private armies and credits irrational ...) this bill is heavy anchor U.S. activity and people start to disbelieve and make antibodies safeguarding as they can (ie buy less). The lobbies will always be part of political activity, but what Obama knew he would find was an infernal machine lobbying almost impossible to bridge; Their promises may fall down and the accounts are so many that perhaps external, to be priority may overlap the renowned healthcare Measures and these never pass a mirage. Logically that his (Obama's) international image will have a decisive weight in supporting decision making difficult (as managing wars and weaponry) and Nobel Prize is always noteworthy. But honestly there 1.5 years ago "no one" knew who was behind this president and what that time was made in favor of that PEACE. Peace has a unique meaning.
Sincerely hope that this title is attributed accompanied by acts that exceed expectations ......of the whole world!

No comments for me now after about 4 years.... 

Friday, July 26, 2013


People should be more creative,
creativness is one of our human main core characteristics,
so why not to use it? (at least make things diferent or with different approaches)
Sure if one have no bread at the table to eat,
how creativity would help, in economic point of view?

Lets start from the begining where as we should get proper education,
and context conditions (this means that the environment that surround us
will surelly influence during our lives).

Having that said, i think that should be governments responsibility
to promote society through educational programs...of course that all
implies money (resources).
Education will open consciousness and than after critical espirit....hence
people will question themselves, and from that questioning will result
more society intervention and also awareness for problems and other;

For instance ancient Greece has returned more open thinking with its favourable environment conditions (they had power/ strong army) and through power got knowledge
and through knowledge and stability.... arts, leisure,
new democracy basis (still addopted nowdays).

My end question (perhaps) would be like this:
since politicians can change the world (with all parallel questions of course!!) and are a privileged class (i.e. they have stability and a proper environment), why don't they use their
favourable context to be more creative and really do what they should... which in my opinion is taking care of their citizens and at present with a global view???



Friday, March 2, 2012


My euro (sorry its not mine...anyway is whom?) as gone.
So what to do now?
Enjoy your everyday day living, if it felt pleasurous
or don't do nothing and also enjoy the show.

Start thinking what you really believe, and who you really are, and what your journey is all about....
Still the questioning : why?
Why humans submit themselves to their carving knives?

"cause i, i i dont care anymore....!" ---- loyd cole


Tuesday, September 27, 2011


It is incredible and really unbelieveble, how european union isn't hable to ennance its major key points, and with it reinforce its leaders/ leadership and hence its own people. My point of view is that european union as forgoten its name: "union" , and there are no unreplaceble persons that could make the difference from the rest of the world. There's no doubt that Germany plays a key role in whole scenario and how Europe will develop its own political agenda, but Europe isn't Germany. Europe is a gathering of multiplicities as society, culture, inovation & d, unfortunetly lack of values (egocentrism mainly) its an worldwide side effect, wich everyone takes part of. Anyway, my point is that Europe will not stand and last, if doesn't change its global strategic policy, so the only way i see it will be the Federal regime constitution or will have cyclicly the same problems knocking on the door. How to make a general concensus around euro crisis ?strong leadership with an epic strategic view (someone should have the guts) would definetly be a turnkey to move forward and fast otherwise its will be always dry wood measures to increase the fire.

Friday, September 9, 2011

En verdad

En verdad el mundo se queda siempre mas pequeño, pero al mismo tiempo mas distante y porque?
son tantas las barreras que hicimos y todavia es mucho mejor vivir sin ellas. qual es el desarrollo que intentamos? Nos hemos quedado en el tiempo de los primeros "FILIPES"? es decir, hagaremos todo por interes? A las veces me pongo a pensar si las estupidez humana iba a confrontarse al espejo decindo: "te conozco, pero, no me gustas nada!"....

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Right Fight

Hello world in every corner.
Suddenly and appearently there's a "new" fight europe/world order.
Lets take the last months short facts:
-BRIC supremacy
-Markets (down - sailing accordingly the winds );
-(sillent) Riots;
-Euro confusion and leadership weakness;
-Unemployment (youth they say... production or manufacturing out of ocidental countries);
In fact, a new mind revolution must and actually is taking place, the existing models weared out.
Which is the best or optimized solution? (shurely there are no magic wands);
Will we develop towards ancient solutions (dark ages???); are methaforically makerts the new barbarians? Are there some new concepts about what governance should be? IS someone addopting new measures to prevent a global underdevelopment? Do citizens really have power enough to decide governance models?
Since we went GLOBAL there are more risks and this jungle promises to be tougher through times; New aliances are about to come, some values should be taken; It is time!
"we're never gonna surbive unless we get a litle crazy" - SEAL

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Ich finde mich seher gut, weil mein Land ist wichtig und wächst ! (entschuldigung mein Deutsh ist schlecht)

I wonder if its a worldwide
feeling or if is just my perception....does cynicism came here to stay?
Is this the ultimate pattern compolsory to live from? So tired and angry of the architected patterns that subtly are imposed;
So this is last democracy reductum... the freedom to dictate.
Is imagination lost for most, is there no new concept of living and "make things real work"- economy etc etc? Come on ! The good news are that iRenaissance must be near... Well, at least i'm trying to make things different, and feel great about it! (watch out for the newspapers tv etc they're mind inceptors. eh eh : )

nat king cole - fly me to the moon

(now i'll take my drugs....just in case)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

O dia - The day

Somewhere in the 80's - South Europe
I remember the days being a hard pain to get over during elementary school, waiting for the interval ( recreational ) and go for to play with friends; Classes were semi harsh under the watchful eye of a professorship almost indifferent ( I say almost , because we had teachers more severe or more indifferent than other ) whose pedagogy was discriminatory for the weak. Saw some fellow hungry , tired with problems at home ( and difficult problems ) and for some reason could not learn .... and moreover had to reach out to the harsh rule (method at the time to teach ... a thick wood ruler beaten several times in the hands when for somehow you didnt know an answer or were distracted)  ...anyway,  I pitied them .
One of these passages , and difficult problems , i have recorded like this : well , I remember one colleague who along with his brothers and mother were beaten up and expelt from their home, which for a drunk moment their father would be recurrently experiencing . They were living under an awning ( plastic cover ) with a mattress that could be ssen from the school; was cold that day and my mother ( great woman ) did what it was usual  to give a hand . She called them to our house , gave them clothes and fed them between the crying and embarrassed eyes of the young children , I looked and saw suspicious my classmate drinking the warm milk from my mug , which stupidly at that time I caused a lot of confusion ... I did not understand .

Decada de 80 - Sul da Europa
lembro o dia de ser uma verdadeira seca o passar do tempo na escola primária a aguardar que chegasse a hora do intervalo (recreio) e ir para uma brincadeira qualquer; As aulas eram semi rispidas sob o olhar atento de um professorado quase indiferente (eu digo quase, porque haviam professore/as mais severos ou mais indiferentes) cuja pedagogia era discriminatória para com os fracos. via alguns colegas com fome, cansados com problemas em casa (problemas bem dificeis) e que por algum motivo não conseguiam aprender .... e ainda por cima tinham de estender a mão à dura régua ... eu tinha pena deles.
Uma das passagens desses, problemas bem difíceis, ficou-me gravada: assim, recordo-me uma colega que juntamente com os irmãos e mãe foram espancados e expulsos de casa, que por um momento ébrio que aquele que dizia ser pai ia recorrentemente experimentando. Ficaram a viver debaixo de um toldo (capa de plastico) com um colchão que se via da escola; Estava frio nesse dia e a minha mãe (grande mulher) fez o que era habitual dela dar a mão. Chamou-os lá a casa, deu-lhes roupa e alimentou-os entre o choro e os olhos envergonhados dos mais pequenos; Eu olhava e via desconfiado a minha colega de escola a beber o leite quente da minha caneca, o que estupidamente naquela altura me causou muita confusão... eu não entendia.

há dias assim - Radio Macau

Thursday, January 13, 2011


in the future there will be no pens...everyone will write in iSomething and other;
our cars will work by renovable energy; phones will be skin implanted, and so our IDs;
we'll be hable to comunicate without any physical support (i.e. pc or phone), we will have a universal standard language, people can be bought, nations, societys, societys (as i said before) can be directly ruled by Corps.; one's problems will affect faster and more people in every dimension or cause;

in the future people will true smile less.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Just "Milestoning"

Sorry to my blog billions of readers. In fact i haven't found any deep event that really got my attention...and also lack of time... So what has just happend in between? Well so much and nothing at the same time. World economys are more interdependent than ever . Money, money money makes the world go round ...this is so true, ancient and even out of style. I can't understand people behaviour. Lets take consumption as one of the adaptative, metamorphic evolutive ways to get self statisfaction. For instance this christmas some of the poorest countrys in UE have raised the volume of movements done in ATM (some aprox more 50 M€ than in 2009 - from 700 to 750 M€) , unemployment raised , bankrupcys raised.... eventhough there's money enough to get an average of 70€/ person in a 10 million people country. Thats unbelieveble! Credit, loans, rents (CLR) are the latest persons adiction..... can this be diagnosed some day as a desease ???

At the doctor:
DOC "-I'm sorry sir, i think you suffer from the contagious CLR"
PACIENT "- Me ? not me, i just have my car, house, dvd, hollidays and .............. (silence) .........Does it have a cure?"
DOC"-Well i would advise a trip to Mars, or any other born society, otherwise this will grow up indefinetly"
Be aware. Take your vaccines.
"Hey big spender...."

Thursday, April 29, 2010


I wonder if nations one day could join efforts, for everyones sake, in order to get comon results.
Maybe its uthopic, maybe its asking too much....

We are driven by MARKETS and STOCK MARKETS????? come on! what is this? is there no respect for nothing?

I've seen in TV somewhere in Peru Amazonia, that a population (aprox 20 000 pp) there, is sustainable, live aside regular society and don't pay taxes hence probably it is free!
Of course there's lack of what we would consider the essential means and goods, and for myself i couldn't be there forever and doubt for more than 2 weeks.

But couldn't exist a balanced society, less egocentric, less speculative, less so many things????

i'm sad and tired!

we are prisioners of ourselves;
as an hope message, like in foofighters rock music band says " it is times like this we learn to live again".

Thursday, January 28, 2010

What keep us moving

I was wondering what are the main issues that impell us going ahead and towards what...
-power (control and decide, domination)
-pleasure (sex.... sensitive emotions (touch, ear, see, smell, taste, perception)
-money ( exchange, to buy, buy and buy)
could these, make civilizations fall, even implode? By history many societys have fall and raise based on essencially on a mix of such described points.
No tiranic, no oligarchic, theocratic, not even democratic societys have last forever; So how long could we expect that our societys ("western " ones) last? Babylons, Greeks, Lacedemonees, Romans, Egiptians, Maya with such a "balanced vision" haven't been hable to sustain their own people, invaders etc.
So my point is, since we are living in a such a speed of light, i expect that our societys, the way they are established, be conducted to an end (for instance a multinational company could buy a country because of its debt? could a country finance another and receive that territory as payment of a debt?)
We are we keep moving!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Portuguese: a tremendous heritage

Não há dúvida sobre a importância da comnicação ;Embora os nossos computadores sejam mais rápidos e os softwares sejam mais eficientes do que nunca, não poderemos nunca sobrestimar o poder de uma língua, não só enquanto informação objetiva, mas também enquanto percepção emocional; Como eu dizia anteriormente, um computador pode de facto fazer este "trabalho" por nós (tradutores e leitores digitais) mas naturalmente sem o mesmo resultado; Eu admiro-me que 204 milhões de almas falem a mesma língua e que provavelmente consigam transmitir as mesmas emoções pela sua língua que é a 6ª língua mais falada no mundo; Mas enquanto língua estrangeira estamos longe do francês e inglês; Naturalmente que o Brasil tem aqui um papel decisivo do futuro da mesma! (94% da população mundial que fala português é do Brasil!) As equipes multidisciplinares (cultural, o esporte, cientifico, o negócio, ong etc.) devem estar coordenadas para estender e realçar esta herança. Quanto à beleza da própria língua (a pergunta seria: a minha língua é sexy?), bem penso que sempre dependerá do emissor da mensagem, do seu tom, variáveis ligadas e que referencias emocionais temos de tal língua. Portanto eu poderia ouvir uma lingua como o Farsi/Persian e gostar.Independentemente de tudo, isto será como o consumo: quanto mais compramos de um determinado país, mais obrigados seremos a absorver a sua cultura e inevitavelmente a sua lingua.
There's no doubt about the importance of comunication;
Although our computers are faster and software aplications are more eficient than never
one can never understimate the power of a language, in order to get not only objective
information, but also emotional perception; As i was saying before a computer can actually
do this job for us (translators and digital readers) but of course we can't get the same result;
I was wondering that 204 Million souls speak the same language and most likely that can transmit same emotions through their language as the 6th spoken language in ther world;
But as a foreing language we are far away from French and English; Of course Brasil
has here a tremendous role for the future! Multidisciplinary teams (cultural, sport, cientific, business, ong etc) should be arranged in order to spread and enhance this heritage.
As for the beauty of the language itself (the question would be is my language sexy?) , well i think it will always depend on the messenger tone and all the variables linked to, what emotive references do we have from it. So i could hear Farsi/Persian and like it anyway. Nevertheless this is like consumption: the more we buy from a certain country, more andatory will be its cultural influence hence its invitable language.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Happy new terrestrial year for everyone!
I was about going to sleep, when, after some web crawling (news actually)
i gave myself thinking why do evolute always towards self satisfaction and need/desire (basic instincts...). Biologically, technologically either (..)etc. we've always got our evolution balance through that terms. Its fair also to consider that if we did evolute in such terms, so did our emotions too. But what about our reason?? Does our reason evolute in the same pace? Could we afirm that our decisions are reasonable taken regardless our primary needs? My opinion is a straight "No"... The facts are known for everyone, we are always trying to get the easiest solution, to use less energy (to be lazy, in the limit : ) ) But the easieast solutions are always surrounded by unexpected, unpredictacle, dangerous variables which we can't control. Human societys always generated their own solutions (needs) and problems (most of the times free of charge). Nowadays, more then ever, seems that our needs are completely moved by emotion, in such a spiral way, where Ego is a supermassive exponential center, and rotates fast and unstable. Lets take some of examples of incongruity....
-men can save lives through science, science can produce bombs to take lives.
-men can create laws to ensure security, laws can take freedom away
-men creates vaccines to avoid deseases to spread, men creates deseases to justify vaccines.
-people can reduce their fat by medical cirurgy, this same intervention can be potencial unsafe
-people reach faster ( instatly) to information, information is manipulated by govs and corporations.
-people crawl the web much more, personal contact is less needed
-men relations and family concept is modifying (stress, gay coupling) hence less new born people on super cities...
and so on....

be happy!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I don't know why, but we are getting colder than ever anyway, i can assume some of my personal opinions, in order to discuss it for the moment i'll only post a single one.

1- the tone and goal of our discussions
in most of the cases in such comunication, mainly there are two sides and that two sides push other to that only same sides. (e.g. copehangen)
Usually both partys are irreducible to their point of view and no concense is possible. Our society and education is directioned (as basics) to emphasize the strongest, and in the limit if the cleavage is to strong then we go to war and fight.

Lets put it in our lives. Which one of us have never had a fight? And could you most of the times define it as balanced? i suppose not. At the end someone "gets the cup" and the sense of win-loss is instaled.
So could we ever evolute in to the direction of win-win discussions? 
Could we just be satisfied with our animal nature? Could we ever consider be educated to get balanced solutions?

   Atoms combine in order to get balanced (at least energetically), why can't we?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Perhaps our whole existence is just a dream.
Maybe we really do care about each other;
Maybe we really listen without interruptions;
Maybe our politicians are decent persons;
Maybe bankers do care for noble causes around the planet;
Maybe nuclear has no side effects;
Maybe pandemic flu is really a problem (to whom)

Maybe we could do something diferent...starting now!

Its funny how we do absorve large qtts of info, and just need 1% of it, at least dreaming has no potencial side effect, hence we can rule in such dimension.

Yep, once again: dream on!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

About nothing

Everything turns arround something and nothing.We are always looking for something and when we get it, somehow it could turn to nothing.
(and most of the times it does)

We live (at least most of the so called developed societys) for self pleasure things that really dont mean anything. We can dissimulate, try to believe, but our existence is based on what (gefelt uns gut) we think it will give us a moment of tranquility in our "search". Anyway, we've came to a point of no return, where everything must be absorved in a minute, and at the we get miserable with that. Suposing that no one stays here for ever.... emphasize should be given to relations, and pure exchange of experiences, in a balanced environment in this brief journey where we are. 

I guess most of the persons don't give a shit for that....and that could be accepted as normal, because after all we should be free to decide what we really do value. 

Nowadays societys seem more a curse than everything.

SO FREEDOM!!!! (i'm free to do i want....)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Hands full of nothing

So this is it.
Perhaps we've have seen it all. But there's a lot to come, when we think that everithing's has already happen... no sir/madam... there's a lot to come. I wonder if we could create an imaginary world where peace rules, politics are honest, values were the core of the citizens. Would it be so boring as it seems?!? I think that all that we are into is due to our lack of commitement with overall society. As evultionary beings, we simply (at this stage) don't want to commit with nothing. There should be some citizen responsabilitys much behound the right to vote, that would compel us to get to some other kind of balance. As i look at it, i cant see any trend to balance. So we trust our politicians since they aquire the right of everything from the time we gave them that power. So let them fool us, we don't care, this a joke or prank?! What do we care after all....hope at least about the next generations

(dont let them fool you....oh no!)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Sometimes i just wonder if the world shouldn't be as is.
I mean, for all of our actions there are reactions (some odd other not so quite). there are further more chances that we ruin everything faster than we took to contruct it. leave it. the world will adapt itself with or with out us. so whats new? nothing. and beyond our earth (world) , our imagination (much more everything than anything). So we develop... we change... we create...we relate and socialize...but whats really new? our essence is to adapt, we are not disruptive, our genes have an history are we really original, or do we have always some present historical background that force us to use some of the basics. Well, anyway it will always be jungle up here, so face it: