Thursday, March 20, 2014

THE PASSENGER XI - tribute to my missed loved father

So the beasts approached  and started small talk with the trees...
"Nice leafs you have there....." - said the Bear . "And what gorgeous flowers" emphasized the Wolf; The Bear and Wolf look each other and the Wolf continued - " we have some flowers of our own you want to see them?" - asked the Wolf showing some brilliant things with heavenly perfume....
(to be continued)

The Trees were much aware of such offers and so they stood together, facing all the adversities such as of that snicky wolves, or the gigant strong bears, which every time were trying  to get off the fence, though their many tries....
With the careful tired eyes  the owl and passenger crossed by to take a look, repair some of wrecked fence portion... but every each time were amazed and proud for their glorious achievement; now they really were splendorous, magnificent, could be seen from far..... and more and more animals noticed it .... even the many birds were not indifferent and just picked some leaves without any permission..... "what for ?"  they claimed..... " there are so many... and these are so much tasty"..... 
The Trees were really warned about it, but just let them.... because they would like to have their good connected neighbourhood in a balanced fashion, they thought.... still there was some abuses...
The Trees were now on their own , the Passenger and Owl realised that was time to just let them take care....let the nature follow its path.... there were so many adventures, advises, experiences... that risk was almost null... they have had a good tuition.... 
It happens that one day, there were some lumberjack crossing by the forest.... and gathered with the wolves and bears as an invitation from the last... " so as you figure it hasn't been easy for us to get there .... " explained the wolves.... The lumberjack showed their strategy for cases like this... " and then you can get as much leaves, flowers as you want.... what do you think" They all laugh and agreed for the strategy.
The strategy was fire.... with the menace they would accept anything... so they did started a fire from the surroundings... ... soon the greedy bears and wolves thought that the flames weren't high enough so burnt some more fossils.... and just laugh with their shiny teeth and slobbery mouth ..... 
The Passenger and Owl couldn't believe what they eyes were testifying ..... all the efforts, pains, and joy were being consumed now in flames..... anyhow their mission sense, made them fought the irated and ruthless flames till exhaustion, even more that they could bear..... they cried together, none has see that coming.
The evil had been spread around the fence, over the trees.... the consumed area was extensive, the only smell in the air now, was from the ashes mixed with raw of the black coal left...  
The Bears and Wolves sniffed around hoping to get some share .... but there was no flower, no perfume left..... even the lumberjack turned away when realized that the wood wasn't good enough as their intended. Slowly all that fuss turned off.. All the spectators left the show, there was nothing left to be seen or even worth to take away.... The remaining Owl and Passenger just stood there waiting ... repairing the damages as they could..... just trying to figure what went wrong .... 
The Trees were alive though.... 
The Passenger took a long look towards the Trees , and stated to the Owl....
" Its time for me to leave, i can't go on here anymore..... my strengths are gone; I did more than I could... everything were at the nature own path, we did know that from the very beginning;b I know that we travelled so far together.... and the way will always be long and difficult .... but i promise that we will find each other in another journey". The Owl willingly accepted it.... although in a costly fashion; she couldn't believe that this journey just went to an end... and for that .... couldn't understand, so stammered...... " Maybe is for the better"
And with an embarrassed smile and a fading sun in the landscape.... the Passenger said goodbye and walked alone the hill with no thoughts this time.... just  peace on his mind waiting for the next journey to come.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Did your heard about my movie?

I remember when i was in University, when i missed 1999 "Fight Club" movie with  ... and my friends came to me telling how overwhelmed they were with the whole film ... they had reason.
Later I saw it and became also very surprised for the ending, (specially the end). I was very sceptic about it, because of movie's title.... "Like the 80's martial arts movies" (i thought); It happened that the whole movie development was amazing; David Fincher made an interesting metaphor for society rules (for the time and present) and how schizophrenic it can be to accept being mainstreamed or standardized without any aware of it... cherry at the top of the cake... "where is my mind " from the Pixies

Nevertheless if I made a movie, a sort of an action/drama one,  i would like that would end with Lou Reed's "perfect day"  which could actually suit to the end of the fight clubs movie with the implosions..... hey, is just an opinion....

Saturday, March 1, 2014

World buzz latest

Ukraine, Venezuela .... escalates on violence and death.... is this what governors want, pain for their citizens? Although in different paths in what have caused such violence, the results appear to be similar.
 As i write before, what about citizens own interest? Who as legitimacy to determinate how a society should evolute?  Nowadays everyones has an opinion about everything (even I do!!!), but as long as these opinions won't dictate rules, or spread fear and terror....
As long as a territory and gov seeks for true peace, and well being to achieve citizens will/ desires, I guess its sovereignty shouldn't be threaten or even questioned for anyone. But in these cases, freedom has some side and human costly effects, and as we can see, when everyone wants to influence or force a path, turbulence just grows as an hungry loose beast....
So what to do then? In democratic societies, if citizens decide and want a different desires than govs, they should be responsible for it; Govs are citizens mandates, or "employees" they should entirely respect that issue, else, it will be endless fights, in a chaotic scenario.

Friday, February 14, 2014

LOL = Lots Of Love - or "Hey: St. Valentine just went viral!"

What is the limit of love? - Love's a bug (this could a be a song title for a Pixies song);
Love for each other, no matter what...., what could be the matter..? Extreme experiences where a human being understands, that it is better to give from himself than receive from other; a condition where anyone else comes in first; The sacrifice of the own well being, for someone else or some cause (although it could be also "for anything", once we live in the consumers era) generally for any living creature that nurture affections; Love can easily assume many forms, it depends on what you have been taught about it during your life. So it can be taught... But if there's someone that hasn't had the chance of having the right surrounding environment in order to learn it, and/or hasn't been to understand, feel, experience it? How would he/she recognize and practice it, if no references haven't been properly inscribed as a natural DNA mutation input? So, are we genetically programmed to live an emotion so extremely, to the point we name it as LOVE, and independently from our environment it will always be revealed at some point of our lives? 
Nowadays we live in a rush for peak fast emotions and material things (as said previously), and I may ask if it  is fair for  it be live in such a randomly fashion? 
If love is a feelling, then it could conditionate our reason (as deeply explained at "Descartes Error" of Neurologist Antonio Damasio) for the better or worse ; Eventually we love for a reason (or a bunch of it!) so we try to be rational at LOVE ? Could it have a set of formulae? 
Love is some sort of deep connection, that compels you to do things.... usually the unnoticed but significant  ones, are the remaining and that ultimately keep you attached to it....


Wednesday, February 12, 2014


(you know it...anyway...  There are a lot of it.... )

Really there are a lot of persons that take their share on someone else's work or profit from others efforts without doing nothing for it or even deserve it. The merit for a reward should be something over present in what work's concern about. Of course there are other actions that you do on behalf of other's that you give it for free, without expecting any kind of reward whatsoever e.g. community work, non profit entrepreneurship, which is actually a value, that you can trade.... with  no (perhaps) collateral damages, and thats truly humble, noble and great. For many (in company environment) this has been sort of  labeled as "Social Responsibility" and as a Buzz, I think it turned out to be a fait divers or a way to divert some taxes.... of course companies aren't charity organizations... and their main goal is to produce profit , but it has to be fair and legitimate winning, by the merit of their work.... but, you know that the huge profits don't appear simply out of the blue, and where is unbalance and the flows are mainly in one direction, in one way or the other, the nature will solve it by its own means.... (ups...! the F Cat commands nature now).
But, as someone said in a fable "is better to be slim (mouse) in the bush, than fat in a cats mouth!"

thought this sound could be.....  hmm.. appropriate...

Monday, February 10, 2014

"LUCK" European Union - the mystery of lost earrings

Since there are men on earth there's competition at the strive for food, land, position, overall government, What can we expect if we are after all human ... and animals... ? And as animals, our basic instincts usually tell us to dominate, haunt something .... to be definitely in control. But is this a society desire? Is this the citizens will? Or are we at the verge of lacking representativity ? Of course there are some (few i would dare to say!), that try to balance own interests with citizens ones.
World vs.... World itself, could a society take really its faith by its hands? Or are govs so "interests" dependents that can't decide nothing that follows citizens true aspirations? If that's so, then who are entitled to "rule" or to interpret citizens "pure" desires/ aspirations? And if there are self entitled  interpreters, what are their main and mundane purposes ? ( the usual power, money, sex ?)
For what i understand, theres is something that someone is searching for, as its owed belonging, but, in fact, it's fair to ask: do we actually belong something, or does something belong us...? From a foreign point of view there'll be a something that was lost, from a another point of view they just keep the search for its .... belonging....

Thursday, February 6, 2014

PROSPECTIVE - we all have been given a big wildcard....

Does  it really matter how good you are at planning? Do all your pseudo-Boolean logic keys, open your wanted doors? What are the main variables that your life journey tells you to take in account?
I confess that even the more accurate planner couldn't observe the next most strange event on earth, even though there some few that try hard to get it right.
Predicting as always been a wizard sort of thing from the ancient times (for the crops, society, economy and consumers) and even Plato or Aristotle (for instance) tried it, analysing nature and human behaviour and yet didn't solve the whole of the question....
Fortunately, method and passing knowledge and wisdom through times, brought us some mainstream paths in which some how we can rely on..... or not?
We could say that some good diagnosis could be a interesting 1st step towards a less risky plan and at the end solution .... but there are the "if's" though.
As a short example, it can be analysed to the light of a certain pattern, that unmeasured and filthy plenty load of wealth, could lead to some predictable behaviour that is recognisable or characterized among a group, an institution,.... in the limit the whole world  (the insurers know this for sure!!!!); Top Stock brokers and high level finance / banking and tax haven countries..... and probably you wouldn't have to be a Wall Street Wolf as in the Leonard DiCaprio movie, to foster this. Yet, it would be expected all the excess occurred behaviour during this movie development, as in life though. (sex, drugs and rock&roll) which it happens to be common to other groups in society, as i've stated before ....politics, top rock stars, sport athletes, movie stars (these actually sell to media fuss, scandal etc.).... So could anyone predict the whole path or ultimate fate of Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackson,  Amy Winehouse, Kurt Cobain ... (even the "unknown" Bankers...., and lately Philip Seymour Hoffman .... ( is just too sad to die home alone with a needle . Remembered System of a Down - Needles  or similar...and having it all .... or not...   )
So where does this goes into, you may ask yourself now... excess is almost predictable but people and nature are hard wild variables.

If this was a movie i would finish it with the sound of "Something" from Beatles or Lou Reed's - Perfect  Day, i think is suits....

and my tribute to Seymour (this was really hilarious....)

and goes on....

Friday, January 31, 2014


About Super Bowl censured Soda commercial:
 "is just a matter of establish standards ... once is done, there will be more to follow afterwards... the system hypocrisy is that everyone is doing something that looks like (banking, food, pharmaceutical, you name it), ... and are accepted or not accordingly the key players (usually the powerful ones)... so what to?, besides citizens really take the destiny that they want...."

Clearly that this debate has its epicenter wherever someone wants to put it, and surely its roots depend on who will be affected (how loud you have made your shout).
I'll try to focus here very briefly,and in a random order, several issues :

Marketing Strategy and Product itself, the commercial content, the fuss....

-as for the marketing, well sometimes a censure has much more advertising effects than a whole campaign itself... so this leads me to the "what if" this was done on purpose? (except the side effects on miss Johansson). Market are the soda consumers or energetic beverages consumers also;

- the product itself is an innovation, a portable device to have soda at home... ( that would make some cola and beverage brands go nuts.... and make them possibly what they can to stop it.... or in time, follow it). Of course there are the consumables such as the CO2 bottle, the flavouring spares, maintenance contracts etc... so the basic concept as for espresso coffee or the trendy "do it by yourself", "tailored made".

-the commercial itself is very visual, the actress is surely appealing, the lines are in my opinion too shallow, who would expected more ?!... this is not properly a "Vicky Cristina Barcelona", directed by Woody Allen); of course there is sexism and in sum the whole script could be a bit more ... polite, but for essentially a manly football fan audience, someone just followed his basic instinct which is in this case, sex.

-finally about the fuss itself.... this is just hypocrisy,  as i've said above every major company try to reduce is costs wherever in the world... being Energy, Finance, Coffee, Cocoa, Pharma or Textile.... all over the world, (i wouldnt dare now to point out a country, since this a Global issue);  you could question market rules or foreign laws, so you'll have to act through your mandatory or representative officer, considering you're a living in a democracy where citizens will has an effect.

So is up to people to decide whether to choose where their energy should be spent at, and if it is worth, in a cause effect perspective.

Thursday, January 16, 2014


to enhance your sound experience, try using your headphones, enjoy!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Sometimes (most of the times) we can get efficiency (as in energy for instance) if we can recognize a certain pattern; so we can define certain procedures which can be repeated/replicated through a several amount of tasks, that we can detail to the essence; than probably, if we try to eliminate the heavy weights (waste), our system can get that precious % of better results .... governments, municipalities should apply such efforts to do better, but at the end is just a complex bureaucratic tie and web that they get into...hence citizens suffer from it also; Is just a vicious cycle as if it were some kind of control (automation definition) but where in the feedback line you couldn't get a corrected sign only add noise.... lots of it.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

EUSEBIO - your legacy lives

EUSEBIO legend lives!
One of the greatest world soccer players, has left our common earth today. He was an humble sportsman and was a pinnacle reference of soccer in Portugal and all over. Soccer pride, portuguese pride Rest in peace.

watch here:

Thursday, January 2, 2014

INNOVATE innovation in 5 steps

One thing that nature can really reveal us, is that from the stormy weather, there can be always surprises that keep us wondering. Thats what innovation is.... expectation for a surprise.

About innovation processes.... our mind is a well of ideas.... and an idea (as a surprise) can be a source of innovation... so, how can that occur "out of the blue"? What would be the right context to nurture your ideas? How much aware/ awareness have you from your surrounding world? How can you properly select or filter your ideas and get to the one that leads to innovation?
Of course that during our lives there's lots of noise that can't keeps always think in creation for innovative products, services, politics... whatsoever.... Many companies try to reproduce a favourable environment to enhance creation that leads to innovation.... which as good results (IDEO, 3M.... etc etc). But as a rainbow appears because some variables just gather properly in a time range, so innovation and ideas appear.
Da Vinci for instance, (and much more) had a inner source of ideas and most of it through observation ....
So observation through our possible senses, would be one of the keys.
But for itself observation can't produce an action ... so you begin another development step: which is questioning... like a child discovering things for the first time, trying to make sense of its surroundings....exploring and answering the naive questions (shape, proportion, colours , sounds, purpose, transmitted emotion, .... in a repeated process).
Do you feel like have answered the bulk of the questions? Can you figure a path for it ? Does it tell you anything... Can the answers communicate with you in a compelling fashion and keep you connected?
Then lets try it.... lets build your own scenarios and see how it goes  you can imagine how would it be (does it exists already and anyone looking for your idea...?), or can actually make, produce, at the beginning as the simplest form as you can reduce it, but as a sample which is relevant for your idea....
does it work? good! innovation complete!
doesn't work ... good in the same way (lots of steps have been crossed , and you have now more info that you were at the beginning) try it again as an iterative and feedback process; If this process is taking too much of your resources (better establish a limit from the beginning and stay with it! ) then you have to be humble enough to leave it.
Do you have a tangible thought? Do you want to keep it for yourself? or otherwise do you want to show it to the world and make it go forward?
If you want to show it..... get your compelling story for your idea and sell much as you can, keep more ideas coming and get people as enthusiastic as you for you innovation.
Soul... is the master piece achievement.... the push forward strength that can tell you to believe on the art that you have just done, and to convince other to the same belief.... will be what it can differs from other.
Enjoy innovation and have good ideas!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

WELCOME 2014 - forecast for 2014

For 2014 i believe that world trends will emphasize in 2 distinct directions. By one hand economically and by another society.
2014 will definitely be in general (as a whole average) slightly better, if no wildcard takes ahead....

1st people are more aware, thats a good thing result of the information access so technology had a key role here; Although this process is slow, i think awareness is important in advanced societies where democratic structures are more efficient and more people focused.

2nd these same people for themselves realise more that can't rely and be so states/ government dependents, so they'll create their own structures and figure for themselves how to define and achieve their requirements. (ONGs, Groups, Networks .... this nothing new but its actually taking place in scale as Peter Drucker foreseen)

3rd New players are creating their agenda and with it societies will have to adapt to it, for instance "new" foreign languages teaching in some schools regarding these country economic weight or investment (powerful tool as i see it). So new cultural mixed standards and also technological ones.

4th New tech advances in hardware (nanotech advances) and augmented reality will bring new breakthrough opportunities in how people relate with machines  and with each other. Increasing tailored made productive systems.

5th There are also some uncertainties in what consumption concerns. The weak signs of EU, China 1st slowdown impact, the doubts for Japanese Bank as a key role for investment support, US debt dependencies ...