Monday, August 29, 2011

The Passenger V


The time crossed as gently as it could, down that rocky landscape, where the Night just let our traveler sleep. His dreams were driven by and between stormy and tumultuous events, mountains to climb, rivers to pass, and rain, lots of it, here and then a glance of sun ray, his body lied down like if it was part of the earth, restless, fighting against the Dawn that soon whispered Night to leave. And so it did. “Come out and play” – echoed a voice in that cave. At first he thought that his dreams were becoming reality, as the voice sounded clearer, he thought not wake up, “what for, what’s outside waiting for? Is it worth? maybe there are some other dreams that I should wait for.” But the voice continued and was impossible to ignore so much echoes , so he opened his eyes and looked the small hole at the very beginning of the cave…. there was a bright white light coming, impossible to notice any silhouette, so he shouted confused “Who’s there, what do you want from me?”

The Passenger V

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Right Fight

Hello world in every corner.
Suddenly and appearently there's a "new" fight europe/world order.
Lets take the last months short facts:
-BRIC supremacy
-Markets (down - sailing accordingly the winds );
-(sillent) Riots;
-Euro confusion and leadership weakness;
-Unemployment (youth they say... production or manufacturing out of ocidental countries);
In fact, a new mind revolution must and actually is taking place, the existing models weared out.
Which is the best or optimized solution? (shurely there are no magic wands);
Will we develop towards ancient solutions (dark ages???); are methaforically makerts the new barbarians? Are there some new concepts about what governance should be? IS someone addopting new measures to prevent a global underdevelopment? Do citizens really have power enough to decide governance models?
Since we went GLOBAL there are more risks and this jungle promises to be tougher through times; New aliances are about to come, some values should be taken; It is time!
"we're never gonna surbive unless we get a litle crazy" - SEAL

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Ich finde mich seher gut, weil mein Land ist wichtig und wächst ! (entschuldigung mein Deutsh ist schlecht)

I wonder if its a worldwide
feeling or if is just my perception....does cynicism came here to stay?
Is this the ultimate pattern compolsory to live from? So tired and angry of the architected patterns that subtly are imposed;
So this is last democracy reductum... the freedom to dictate.
Is imagination lost for most, is there no new concept of living and "make things real work"- economy etc etc? Come on ! The good news are that iRenaissance must be near... Well, at least i'm trying to make things different, and feel great about it! (watch out for the newspapers tv etc they're mind inceptors. eh eh : )

nat king cole - fly me to the moon

(now i'll take my drugs....just in case)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

O dia - The day

Somewhere in the 80's - South Europe
I remember the days being a hard pain to get over during elementary school, waiting for the interval ( recreational ) and go for to play with friends; Classes were semi harsh under the watchful eye of a professorship almost indifferent ( I say almost , because we had teachers more severe or more indifferent than other ) whose pedagogy was discriminatory for the weak. Saw some fellow hungry , tired with problems at home ( and difficult problems ) and for some reason could not learn .... and moreover had to reach out to the harsh rule (method at the time to teach ... a thick wood ruler beaten several times in the hands when for somehow you didnt know an answer or were distracted)  ...anyway,  I pitied them .
One of these passages , and difficult problems , i have recorded like this : well , I remember one colleague who along with his brothers and mother were beaten up and expelt from their home, which for a drunk moment their father would be recurrently experiencing . They were living under an awning ( plastic cover ) with a mattress that could be ssen from the school; was cold that day and my mother ( great woman ) did what it was usual  to give a hand . She called them to our house , gave them clothes and fed them between the crying and embarrassed eyes of the young children , I looked and saw suspicious my classmate drinking the warm milk from my mug , which stupidly at that time I caused a lot of confusion ... I did not understand .

Decada de 80 - Sul da Europa
lembro o dia de ser uma verdadeira seca o passar do tempo na escola primária a aguardar que chegasse a hora do intervalo (recreio) e ir para uma brincadeira qualquer; As aulas eram semi rispidas sob o olhar atento de um professorado quase indiferente (eu digo quase, porque haviam professore/as mais severos ou mais indiferentes) cuja pedagogia era discriminatória para com os fracos. via alguns colegas com fome, cansados com problemas em casa (problemas bem dificeis) e que por algum motivo não conseguiam aprender .... e ainda por cima tinham de estender a mão à dura régua ... eu tinha pena deles.
Uma das passagens desses, problemas bem difíceis, ficou-me gravada: assim, recordo-me uma colega que juntamente com os irmãos e mãe foram espancados e expulsos de casa, que por um momento ébrio que aquele que dizia ser pai ia recorrentemente experimentando. Ficaram a viver debaixo de um toldo (capa de plastico) com um colchão que se via da escola; Estava frio nesse dia e a minha mãe (grande mulher) fez o que era habitual dela dar a mão. Chamou-os lá a casa, deu-lhes roupa e alimentou-os entre o choro e os olhos envergonhados dos mais pequenos; Eu olhava e via desconfiado a minha colega de escola a beber o leite quente da minha caneca, o que estupidamente naquela altura me causou muita confusão... eu não entendia.

há dias assim - Radio Macau

Thursday, January 27, 2011

under pressure question

phisically we are with 1 atm pressure, is this too much?
do people take and accept willingly all the oversized rush we're liven into?
does action needs a reaction? IF we consider pressure a trigger / action would there be an ignition/ reaction? Can societys live realy forever with a inccreasing state of pressure?
What would be the relief to reset the overcoming pressure?

Queen - under pressure

Thursday, January 13, 2011


in the future there will be no pens...everyone will write in iSomething and other;
our cars will work by renovable energy; phones will be skin implanted, and so our IDs;
we'll be hable to comunicate without any physical support (i.e. pc or phone), we will have a universal standard language, people can be bought, nations, societys, societys (as i said before) can be directly ruled by Corps.; one's problems will affect faster and more people in every dimension or cause;

in the future people will true smile less.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Just "Milestoning"

Sorry to my blog billions of readers. In fact i haven't found any deep event that really got my attention...and also lack of time... So what has just happend in between? Well so much and nothing at the same time. World economys are more interdependent than ever . Money, money money makes the world go round ...this is so true, ancient and even out of style. I can't understand people behaviour. Lets take consumption as one of the adaptative, metamorphic evolutive ways to get self statisfaction. For instance this christmas some of the poorest countrys in UE have raised the volume of movements done in ATM (some aprox more 50 M€ than in 2009 - from 700 to 750 M€) , unemployment raised , bankrupcys raised.... eventhough there's money enough to get an average of 70€/ person in a 10 million people country. Thats unbelieveble! Credit, loans, rents (CLR) are the latest persons adiction..... can this be diagnosed some day as a desease ???

At the doctor:
DOC "-I'm sorry sir, i think you suffer from the contagious CLR"
PACIENT "- Me ? not me, i just have my car, house, dvd, hollidays and .............. (silence) .........Does it have a cure?"
DOC"-Well i would advise a trip to Mars, or any other born society, otherwise this will grow up indefinetly"
Be aware. Take your vaccines.
"Hey big spender...."

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Wonderfull.... market economy prooved to run world states; Finally i understand that nations and nowdays leaders are weak facing the power of markets institution; (oh, we are so human!) But who runs the market? Do you run market, do i run market, does societys rule market? In order to understand better this issue, i've searched for info about nations who haven't suffered yet by "global economy crisis".
Maybe the BRIC haven't, but they are generaly assimetric as a society, and their internal economy gives them sustainability to keep them on the way.
In the worst case scenario there's war to come, in the most optimistic scenario w'ill have 8 years of pain, sacrifice. (less consumption.... which is not bad for human beeing as an athomic unit since is lacking values...i suppose).
In the evolutive process there are basic things to survive such as an adaptative profile wich means accept or tranform your/ someonelse behaviour accordingly to the surrounding environment; else you can be institutionaly excluded. So where do we/I stand? I can't accept the fact of corruption be generaly accepted and practiced as an usual way to move economy.
How to finish or diminish it? How can values be transmitted if educated people are also corruptors? Another music to end this post:
"I can get no satisfaction...." - Rolling Stones

Thursday, April 29, 2010


I wonder if nations one day could join efforts, for everyones sake, in order to get comon results.
Maybe its uthopic, maybe its asking too much....

We are driven by MARKETS and STOCK MARKETS????? come on! what is this? is there no respect for nothing?

I've seen in TV somewhere in Peru Amazonia, that a population (aprox 20 000 pp) there, is sustainable, live aside regular society and don't pay taxes hence probably it is free!
Of course there's lack of what we would consider the essential means and goods, and for myself i couldn't be there forever and doubt for more than 2 weeks.

But couldn't exist a balanced society, less egocentric, less speculative, less so many things????

i'm sad and tired!

we are prisioners of ourselves;
as an hope message, like in foofighters rock music band says " it is times like this we learn to live again".

Thursday, January 28, 2010

What keep us moving

I was wondering what are the main issues that impell us going ahead and towards what...
-power (control and decide, domination)
-pleasure (sex.... sensitive emotions (touch, ear, see, smell, taste, perception)
-money ( exchange, to buy, buy and buy)
could these, make civilizations fall, even implode? By history many societys have fall and raise based on essencially on a mix of such described points.
No tiranic, no oligarchic, theocratic, not even democratic societys have last forever; So how long could we expect that our societys ("western " ones) last? Babylons, Greeks, Lacedemonees, Romans, Egiptians, Maya with such a "balanced vision" haven't been hable to sustain their own people, invaders etc.
So my point is, since we are living in a such a speed of light, i expect that our societys, the way they are established, be conducted to an end (for instance a multinational company could buy a country because of its debt? could a country finance another and receive that territory as payment of a debt?)
We are we keep moving!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Portuguese: a tremendous heritage

Não há dúvida sobre a importância da comnicação ;Embora os nossos computadores sejam mais rápidos e os softwares sejam mais eficientes do que nunca, não poderemos nunca sobrestimar o poder de uma língua, não só enquanto informação objetiva, mas também enquanto percepção emocional; Como eu dizia anteriormente, um computador pode de facto fazer este "trabalho" por nós (tradutores e leitores digitais) mas naturalmente sem o mesmo resultado; Eu admiro-me que 204 milhões de almas falem a mesma língua e que provavelmente consigam transmitir as mesmas emoções pela sua língua que é a 6ª língua mais falada no mundo; Mas enquanto língua estrangeira estamos longe do francês e inglês; Naturalmente que o Brasil tem aqui um papel decisivo do futuro da mesma! (94% da população mundial que fala português é do Brasil!) As equipes multidisciplinares (cultural, o esporte, cientifico, o negócio, ong etc.) devem estar coordenadas para estender e realçar esta herança. Quanto à beleza da própria língua (a pergunta seria: a minha língua é sexy?), bem penso que sempre dependerá do emissor da mensagem, do seu tom, variáveis ligadas e que referencias emocionais temos de tal língua. Portanto eu poderia ouvir uma lingua como o Farsi/Persian e gostar.Independentemente de tudo, isto será como o consumo: quanto mais compramos de um determinado país, mais obrigados seremos a absorver a sua cultura e inevitavelmente a sua lingua.
There's no doubt about the importance of comunication;
Although our computers are faster and software aplications are more eficient than never
one can never understimate the power of a language, in order to get not only objective
information, but also emotional perception; As i was saying before a computer can actually
do this job for us (translators and digital readers) but of course we can't get the same result;
I was wondering that 204 Million souls speak the same language and most likely that can transmit same emotions through their language as the 6th spoken language in ther world;
But as a foreing language we are far away from French and English; Of course Brasil
has here a tremendous role for the future! Multidisciplinary teams (cultural, sport, cientific, business, ong etc) should be arranged in order to spread and enhance this heritage.
As for the beauty of the language itself (the question would be is my language sexy?) , well i think it will always depend on the messenger tone and all the variables linked to, what emotive references do we have from it. So i could hear Farsi/Persian and like it anyway. Nevertheless this is like consumption: the more we buy from a certain country, more andatory will be its cultural influence hence its invitable language.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Happy new terrestrial year for everyone!
I was about going to sleep, when, after some web crawling (news actually)
i gave myself thinking why do evolute always towards self satisfaction and need/desire (basic instincts...). Biologically, technologically either (..)etc. we've always got our evolution balance through that terms. Its fair also to consider that if we did evolute in such terms, so did our emotions too. But what about our reason?? Does our reason evolute in the same pace? Could we afirm that our decisions are reasonable taken regardless our primary needs? My opinion is a straight "No"... The facts are known for everyone, we are always trying to get the easiest solution, to use less energy (to be lazy, in the limit : ) ) But the easieast solutions are always surrounded by unexpected, unpredictacle, dangerous variables which we can't control. Human societys always generated their own solutions (needs) and problems (most of the times free of charge). Nowadays, more then ever, seems that our needs are completely moved by emotion, in such a spiral way, where Ego is a supermassive exponential center, and rotates fast and unstable. Lets take some of examples of incongruity....
-men can save lives through science, science can produce bombs to take lives.
-men can create laws to ensure security, laws can take freedom away
-men creates vaccines to avoid deseases to spread, men creates deseases to justify vaccines.
-people can reduce their fat by medical cirurgy, this same intervention can be potencial unsafe
-people reach faster ( instatly) to information, information is manipulated by govs and corporations.
-people crawl the web much more, personal contact is less needed
-men relations and family concept is modifying (stress, gay coupling) hence less new born people on super cities...
and so on....

be happy!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I don't know why, but we are getting colder than ever anyway, i can assume some of my personal opinions, in order to discuss it for the moment i'll only post a single one.

1- the tone and goal of our discussions
in most of the cases in such comunication, mainly there are two sides and that two sides push other to that only same sides. (e.g. copehangen)
Usually both partys are irreducible to their point of view and no concense is possible. Our society and education is directioned (as basics) to emphasize the strongest, and in the limit if the cleavage is to strong then we go to war and fight.

Lets put it in our lives. Which one of us have never had a fight? And could you most of the times define it as balanced? i suppose not. At the end someone "gets the cup" and the sense of win-loss is instaled.
So could we ever evolute in to the direction of win-win discussions? 
Could we just be satisfied with our animal nature? Could we ever consider be educated to get balanced solutions?

   Atoms combine in order to get balanced (at least energetically), why can't we?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Perhaps our whole existence is just a dream.
Maybe we really do care about each other;
Maybe we really listen without interruptions;
Maybe our politicians are decent persons;
Maybe bankers do care for noble causes around the planet;
Maybe nuclear has no side effects;
Maybe pandemic flu is really a problem (to whom)

Maybe we could do something diferent...starting now!

Its funny how we do absorve large qtts of info, and just need 1% of it, at least dreaming has no potencial side effect, hence we can rule in such dimension.

Yep, once again: dream on!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

About nothing

Everything turns arround something and nothing.We are always looking for something and when we get it, somehow it could turn to nothing.
(and most of the times it does)

We live (at least most of the so called developed societys) for self pleasure things that really dont mean anything. We can dissimulate, try to believe, but our existence is based on what (gefelt uns gut) we think it will give us a moment of tranquility in our "search". Anyway, we've came to a point of no return, where everything must be absorved in a minute, and at the we get miserable with that. Suposing that no one stays here for ever.... emphasize should be given to relations, and pure exchange of experiences, in a balanced environment in this brief journey where we are. 

I guess most of the persons don't give a shit for that....and that could be accepted as normal, because after all we should be free to decide what we really do value. 

Nowadays societys seem more a curse than everything.

SO FREEDOM!!!! (i'm free to do i want....)

Monday, August 31, 2009

The right thing - (update)

Some days ago I gave for me thinking what would be the right thing to do in a crisis time if i was a politician.

It is very true that our society values are based on economy. (is there another way to "make the world go round"?)

Another issue is the question who commands/rules who?
The first thing I would do, would be analysing the causes and take preventive measures so i could stop or at least slow down the spreading speed of an usual crisis. So my efforts would be directioned into the cause;

(imagine that cause is economy, 
because lack of foreing investment and poor company liquidity,
because countrys are getting or actually are uneficient and unproductive and we have taugt citizens to live over their finantial capacities and bancks havent analysed risc as they should,
because theres lack of knowledge and strategy, and systems national and international regulation dont act as they supposed to
because prioritys are deviated and the big bucks speack louder and in general there are no penaltys.
because society evolution)

so what would be my actions? would i have the nerve to change society evolution?

-better education could be a part of the solution (how many years would it take....???)
-how to change people values? is it possible to change people values in the same society?
would it be needed to change all world societys?

Who commands who?- well, our society commanders live with frauds, conspiracys and take advantages of everythings with higher ROI.

So please bring back my sweet uthopic society based on love, justice/fairness, work, teamwork, merit etc etc

So to my billions of readers.... dream on...!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Hands full of nothing

So this is it.
Perhaps we've have seen it all. But there's a lot to come, when we think that everithing's has already happen... no sir/madam... there's a lot to come. I wonder if we could create an imaginary world where peace rules, politics are honest, values were the core of the citizens. Would it be so boring as it seems?!? I think that all that we are into is due to our lack of commitement with overall society. As evultionary beings, we simply (at this stage) don't want to commit with nothing. There should be some citizen responsabilitys much behound the right to vote, that would compel us to get to some other kind of balance. As i look at it, i cant see any trend to balance. So we trust our politicians since they aquire the right of everything from the time we gave them that power. So let them fool us, we don't care, this a joke or prank?! What do we care after all....hope at least about the next generations

(dont let them fool you....oh no!)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Sometimes i just wonder if the world shouldn't be as is.
I mean, for all of our actions there are reactions (some odd other not so quite). there are further more chances that we ruin everything faster than we took to contruct it. leave it. the world will adapt itself with or with out us. so whats new? nothing. and beyond our earth (world) , our imagination (much more everything than anything). So we develop... we change... we create...we relate and socialize...but whats really new? our essence is to adapt, we are not disruptive, our genes have an history are we really original, or do we have always some present historical background that force us to use some of the basics. Well, anyway it will always be jungle up here, so face it:

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Air knowledge

Pure and soft air enter our lungs ... sometimes; its a unconscient act that affects us and that we could learn from.
After all, life is knowledge.
Air enters new goes out ...filthy. as well, we born pure and we get unpure as time goes by. There are simply small things that we cross by every day and we just can't notice, sometimes they are pure and other don't. It was worth to spend some time choosing which simple things are around us, so we could move forward easily. So... breathe in and out as simple as it is.... if you have the time for it!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The coldness of winter

Keep your mind free
As the stars in the skies
Remain quiet as heaven
Like soul in the eyes.

Yelling to the mountain
Far away from everything
Silence in the night,
And stars started to sing.

The coolness of winter
Brought us iced feelings:
We can’t deny reality…
Than why, why wake up?

Walking the ground of dust
Within some fog we can’t take
Falling for the universe,
Where no one is awake!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

wisdom here i come...

Sometimes i walk the avenue and get surprised ,
the way i make myself surprised.
There's always something diferent, i.e. somehow the buildings
aren't so tall, the streets stretch, some stain appears in the wall,
a new direction sheet metal appears, the cat that sneaks the garbage isn't black,
the lady that pull the child off road, the kids that dont play outside arent there,
the smell of the first rain drops mixes cars C02, that under construction road still there,
there's no so much people in that fashion store, the TV volume at the BAR stills high,
the fireman main sirene cant be heard, i must climb up where i did climb down,
the traffic is so dense, red light green light, i had to run....
my muscles dont seem to follow me....

i wake up... must to work out.

Monday, December 8, 2008

the time

"i don't have the time"
"my time has gone"
"as time goes by"
"time after time"
these are like pursuiters of our life; this measure, this clock just doesn't stop;
And why in world would we like to stop the clock, " stop the world from spinning round".
there are lots of moments that we would like preserve for ever, or to visit it once in a while,
or even to remake it;
But somehow we have to hang in on, and simply remember, accept, prospect... to live!
such a surprise, today is complete financial crises, banks and companys bankrupcy, tomorrow everything will return to the same.... everyone is proclamed saint... politics, CEOs etc.
So there's always someone wining, in every possible time, that will rule soon or later.
But we know the behaviour is cyclic. With a bit of time we can go on history, to understand why
the power distribution is cyclic based and knowledge based;

At the end: time means nothing and everything, should we understand the true meaning during our lives.....if we ever get it...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


-Gesundheit- said a weak female voice that came from its back. -Got a cold, huh?

Thx. Usualy i dont get cold so easy. But to whom am i talking to?-said Mr P. - the moonlight is so intense...

-So you are talking now?!? ah ah. I am the Mother of The Night. My name is EVE.- so Eve continued.

-Ocasionally i let someone to recognise me, so i suppose you're a lucky one...

-I am cold and tired to travel, how can i be lucky?- he asked confused but laughing.

-Well your're still walking, and soon i leave you,.. so you can enter into my brother and sisters domain, i mean dawn, and morning...

-What, morning is your sister?...

-That are all details, my fellow traveler... the important thing here is to face the dawn as you've never did.

-But how can i find my path???? my true path? thats my important thing now!- continued Mr P confused.

- That, you'll have to ask, as soon as you get near my sisters....... but dont get to ancious.... see you around.

Another cold windy breeze blowned towards the snowed trees that sudendly got darker, a sudden night silence had begun then. Mr P had finally found a small rock cave where rested and sleeped as fast as that...

Monday, September 29, 2008


oh my planet, my earth, my nothing....
my questioning is always about the same....
is this the right path?
is there a right path?
..... so the traveler looked at the stars and wondered if there were
other tracks, because he thought he had walked so many, and always
came back at the same start point....
I've seen it all - he though while looking the sides with suspicion
- and yet i feel surprised every time i get to the start point....!
The cold black silent night surrrounded him with some nose freezing wind,
so he sneezed once more...
-Gesundheit- said a weak female voice that came from its back.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My way

Our usual selfish evolution....thats my message;
We keep all of our best to ourselves (does this makes any sense?)
Is it reasonable to think that we can't live together?
What is the point of having great and globalized comunities, if
we generaly live with our backs turned?
Can we ignore the fact, for instance, of poor african countrys being
used to deliver and consume cocain, in order to maintain untouchable
producers and indiferent european citizens???
If being a citizen is to be also part of a comunity in a global cenary,
our responsabilitys should global;
Can we give each other diferent reasons to encourage and motivate
our own global relationships.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The age of the wheel

A new age aproaches at speed light, a new wheel
has started its path;
I thought that our triggers were slighlty different;
Its really amazing that we fight every single day
to get things easy, but, instead, the results show
us a completely diferent pattern;
We have the hability to complicate everything, (and thats easy to do)
Our litle world is complex ruled by simple priciples;
I think theres a need to go complex in order to get it
simple, after.
So my question is: if we want to get simple, why do we must to waste
so much energy following a twisted path???
So nahive....

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Loved the smell of that cold morning
of October, where the red could be noticed
between the yellow, brown and green of that landscape.

There were some sharpen iced puddles in the way.
Smiled because i was alive.
Some kid cross my steps demanding me:

- STOP!!! otherwise you'll broke the ice under your foot;
- ..And?!-i asked him, without understanding is point.
-Well there's a plant that grows there, so i would like it to grow!
-But i'll have to continue in my way, i can't waste my time-i argued.
-Not this one...PLEASE; This one is special and is mine!

So i did step aside and move forward.... i look back from my shoulder

and realise that there were some older kids that breaking the iced puddle

without any contemplation for the other kid's request;

The next small puddle, that crossed to me, i broke it on purpose.....

The air was cold to get in the loungs the breeze almost freezed my nose

and some leaves were falling.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The passenger

-So, what do u think?
-I think you are here time enough to judge it by yourself.-answered the old woman.
-But my eyes are just a distraction for my truth. No one tought me how to see.-said the pilgrim
-And no one will; ... you'll just have to follow your own path. Sometimes truth can reveal itself by multiple instances....dreams, desires, whishes..........and even distractions are, somehow, a mean to see see widely.
-How will you distinguish truth from a distraction?- questioned the pilgrim.
-Well you can't, in a present or certain moment, but at somepoint you'll look backwards, and then, the truth will be revealed by itself;
-Nothing its so easy as that.....So i'll just have to walk to see?- questioned the unbelieved pilgrim.
-Well you can make a stop here an then...
He smiled.
So the woman fairwelled him and watched his steps disappear in that moonless snow falling night.

Monday, October 15, 2007


Faith is our last strength shell.
Is a projection of something in the future,
to really rely on something and believe in it no matter what.

Is there a way to define ourselves in terms of faith?
I mean, is there some kind of quantifier that allow us to
see if we have faith enough?

Probably there are some values that can be mixed
that can inpower this "faith " effect such as trust and hope.

I guess there are some items we can use to define our faith component;
so imagine a person that usually gets some faults because of its faith in:


so the amount or % of successfull actions relied on faith would be the
amount of faith that a person had.

Faith can also help people to believe and to achieve goals in an easier way;
could be also an Utopia, but one should never forget our reality
which is our humanity, hence it depends of our desire to reach something
or some entity;

As FAITH human beings i belive there's some ratio that could give some answer to this:
our materialistic side and our spirit side (how much do we have of each will reflect if
we are more ore less faith dependents or users...)

Monday, October 8, 2007


I wonder what kind of language do we want to use
or are we using.

Comunication is one of our basic means of personal exchange.
From sounds to multi languistic support we've achieved a central point:

we can comunicate in severeal ways.

But what matters comunication if there isn't any basic message in it?
Todays messages are supported in the most several ways,
as a paradox, i'm sure that the most inocent and guilty its our own voice,
where its owner/ carrier as the commitment to use it into an hudge
amounts of subjects at its own delight. (here the carrier can use inocently or not).

Of course the message could be emphasized depending from carrier to carrier.

The less inocent are the comercials and media, where everything has been thoutht
with an objective purpose;
i mean there are lots of other contributions besides the carrier thought...


If i would said in a Newspaper that due to international subprime crysis the XYZ country,
will get some finance problem in the midle of 2008, this info for itself wouldn't mean
nothing using the world as the main target.
But if this was said by some management Guru, the stock market could be shaken.


If i look into an Outdoor advirtising with some happy persons drinking or eating some Diet Soda, Cookies, or Light Burgers; So the message could be: drink it, eat it, as much as you can, it will leave you happy like these andsome persons.

Or .... some country governer saying in TV that a fish company will be stablished at your country with potencial creation of 1500 work places; which means that its country its developing....... (poor the ones that make part of the rest of 400 000);

Hence messages can propagate, increase, decrease, develop, finish, make believe
being implicit or explicit.

My 3DTHOUGHT: should be aware of how much fake is there in a MESSAGE.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


I believe, as an world citizen,
i must have a vision and capacity
to understand each others thoughts
and always use some "notes"
to remind me that i should be carefull
in my speech and acts (theoria et praxis).
as long as it doesnt affects one's character.

So that make of me a tolerant person...
and if some other person disconnect this reallity of tolerance?

I mean what are the limits of tolerance?

Could a tradition or culture be against tolerance?
can multi-leveled types of tolerance co-exhist in the same world?

(its not something like going to doctor and get a prescription saying
that "sorry i'm afraid u have intolerance.
u've got to take two doses of tolerance every day, before and after
meetings... additionaly ....well you can say the F ... word once in a while,
specially if you look to your country and their governers keep lying"
Thanks doctor, i thought that it was gases........bye
F ... F... F...F...)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Where do you want to live?
What does connect us all? How do we connect?
Are we living something? Are we living global?

Lets start from a basis where i supposed to writte my
thoughts in some diary, instead on the internet, where
i can only share them, to some close society network.

So, from that point of view i'm living something to feed (perhaps)
someones 2nd life.

"Come and see THE GREATEST WEBCIRCUS today with our last attraction:
3DTHOUGHT - a rare and dangerous web camaleon - you can feed it for yourself
with allnight shows until next few days"

Its curious the way that our intereactions serve us to
develop some basic needs...such as emotions or physical contact;
I only can imagine persons such as the ones that are closed in their perfect world (profets
philosophers, politicians, homer simpson, my friends cat...) that can escape
from that steriotype.

So at the end, we are beings capable to adapt, and create several
masks within ourselves ready to be used .

3DTHOUGHT: 2ND LIFE is a diferent way to spend money and time,
but the "other life" has already been lived before and always will.....

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Dont people get some regrets once in a while?
Do these regrets ocuppy to much space in mind?

I haven't lately seen politicians with theirs heads bend....
so, my answer to my own question could be....


What would be the last thoughts of a minister/president when he's about to sleep?

2-dear God please make my phone silent (and my wife, by the way)
3-I should have asked for that dress to be clean
4-So lets rewind my speach: My country is developing, my country is developing
5-I will never be a fisher man.

....and so on

There are people that say "i only regret for things that i havent done"
So they can free their minds....virtually, externally.

Theres always a frame, in which we stand when we're about to take some decisions.
But theres is a chance that we have thoughts about the decisions taken before.....
Learning from the past or forsighting to the future this is the main issue.

My 3d thought about this: keep your mind free.



MAX - thx for the thoughts.

This is my award:

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Today its eleven.My thoughts are with whom have suffered with that day.

fear, pain, terror, killing, laden, bush, towers, fireman, explosion, death,
dna, police, troops, world, plain, afghanistan, taliban, rates, gold, politics, power, economy, press.

_______________PEOPLE ___________________

__________11 _______________


Wednesday, August 29, 2007


universe.... so dense; earth....interesting planet
some people (to much people)...shallow (???) most of people.... average

as stephen hawking refered in its biographyis realy the universe expanding?

What is our contribuition for this expansion? Are we collapsing while the whole universe expands?

If it was for the patterns following we should expand. Well, expansion and development are linkend.
A consequense of this linking process, is our vulnerable sides to the rest of the world.

As we've seen, the stock market can really affect all countrys
even the ones that potencialy have nothing to do with it (market)
But some how this could explain a sudden world economic collapse.


All can be affected.

Well, not all, the ones that kept fishing on some remote cristal water beach and felt good with themselves didn't even noticed a small breeze.

there's always a choice.

Thursday, August 9, 2007


puppets power nuclear politics game masks

Q: have you ever felt like you're in a movie where
script as already been written and played...?


now, time to a short break with some comercials:

welcome to planet earth, the planet where you can live aprox. 60 years
wondering this trully life moments.

we have clean water
nice landscapes
wild everywhere even outside the jungle
and the best: politicians!

EARTH...... the place we all know!

Here you can eat each other without being caught in chain (ensurances not included)
VIP passes to banks to do whatever you want (theater roles, where you can play with real money).
Only for some millions you can achieve to president of something or country.

EARTH...... the place we all know!


A: No. I have the power to make my own decisions; we are ruled by nice people that care
and make the difference of what my needs are. I feel happy about it, and liked to have been internationaly numbered as 345987654777398 which is a very unique number. I just have to be wired 20 h/ day and watched in every cctv.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Friday, August 3, 2007


Peace of mind, tranquility, destressing, sea, seagles,
blue sky, beach, sand, museums, travelling, to sleep,
nature, visits (to friends), rainbow, ice creams, night
writting, music, wind.

where all the people went?
why its raining today?
where did i left my favourite t-shirt?
maybe north coast water temperature this year will raise up!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

ECO - BIO - E - Something

There have always been shortwords (Buzzwords) to easly
one could associate a certain subject to that word.

-easy to remember, easy to sell, words that for themselves
carry a valid and accepted definition.

biotota (it only makes sense in portuguese....)

e-mental (well this is an electronic cheese)

eco stocks
eco citys
eco marathon
eco nomy (uppps.... !)
eco-point (portuguese container to waste separation)
eco-le (en fraçais aussi)

eco eco eco
hey hey hey hey!
hello hello hello??

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I wonder why music dindt have major role in our world.
Nowadays its all about 010100010101011 (yeap bynary!)
or logics true - false.

Going to absurd,
imagine that every machine, computer, system or software work with sound;
well, since electricity have controled frequencys, we could apply and transform
the frequencys to something that could be heard;

So imagine loading computer operating systems, you would hear
some matrix sound (not noise composed musics) for instance;

When we turn the microwaves on, we would listen to Vivaldis Four Seasons

Machines in a factory should sound like a nice orchestra.

Even on people it would have a positive effect
for instance,

meetings should be singed e.g. theres no need to argue - cranberries
people leaving the company- i want to break free - queen
inviting some special person to dinner - dance me -leonard cohen
stock brokers at work - money - pink floyd

and so on.... politicians - tell me lies - fleetwood mac (eh eh eh)

Monday, July 23, 2007


Imagine if on a political debate it could be heard
interviewer woman and politician man thought:

i-would u like to tell people what would you do if u win the elections?
i thought- as if i dont know... keep your friends in gov, fill your pockets with money;

p-i think that the first measure will be defenetly to reduce taxes.
p thought-... to reduce in one hand and to raise in other....... nice clivage.

i-and how do you think this could be possible?
i thought- yeah right, i know what would like to raise .... are you looking at my clivage?

p-well, first i would hardly combact corruption, then i would force finances to work extra time
with juridic support in order to get more efeciency and tax banking in their major transactions;
p thought - ... then i would try to get your phone number, invite you to dinner and.....

i-but dont you think that would be dramatic action as it is a long shot, i mean trying to move banking?!
i thought- stupid this your foot that i'm feeling in my leg?

p-its not easy but our gov is used to deal with this hot issues.... ah aha ah( laugh)
p thought- oh yeah thats my foot

i-did you know that i'm black belted, you schmuck?

p-oh dear, you can wear anything u like have no problem with that.



-(voice in studio)- sorry, but your mind is in the air, I repeat, your mind is on the air!

Interruption for comercials.......

Thursday, July 19, 2007


As long as they keep talking about me! (it doesn't matter if its good or bad)

i guess we've always wonderend sometimes in our lives
that we're just passing by (or maybe not);

Speed of sound equals aprox. 1300km/h so it would make
of our voice a hell of a runner. At least its fast.
So we can record some of our moments and make it ethernal;
our voice can keep running eventualy for ever at high performance.
(depending on the speed references that we've got at the time);

We phisicaly can't.

So, i believe that our voice could be a source of youth
and i guess that's why politicians speak so much.......

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Splines are very common types/ kinds of curves
in what comes to maths.
Its an accurate way of interpolation calculus
(eg NURBS - non uniform rational B Splines).

This leads me to think that one can predict many things and accuratly!


My neighbors always watch me when i come home,
--- so they accuratly predict the time when i get there;
The news today showed war and killing,
--- i can also expect that from tomorrows news;
There are new politicians in gov,
--- its expected that they don't change their wages;
Theres sun for today,.
--- oh this is an hard one........

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Massive atacks

Theres an hudge amount of things that became

Are we also a massification product?

We are unique, but all follow a certain pattern.

Friday, July 13, 2007


I believe that in any time of life,
we try to spread our wings and learn to fly
or even we can convince ourselves that we can really fly;

But is it possible do disguise that?
Can a person dissimulate so many things even that she can't fly?

I mean, a good technician may express himself in its job,
being effective in what he does, although (for instance) he can't speak in public;

(back to politicians)
oh, how can they talk.... and in such a quantity
It seems that as soon they leave their nests they are
already convinced of their capacity to fly.... (hence....bla bla bla)
Anyway, there's another particularity, is their
hudge capacity to convince others that they really are flying
even that one can see the wiring moving the arms;

Well magicians do it better and mostly the rest of the
public dont try to seek for the wiring.....

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Physics laws

Does an action reproduces reaction?

There's always physics in our behaviour...

balance..... etc.

i guess theres no standard concept in what comes to

There are ways to deal with...
corps. deal with corps.
people try to understand themselves

In the end the atoms just ajust themselves in order
to get balanced enough or just break

(yep physics could eventualy explaine it all....if it wasn't for the spirit thing)

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


There's a bit of comparasion between life and some painting;
well, starting in the point of view and how we see things;
things are not as it seems (yep politicians have feelings too)


something like:

- I love so much to lie! - love feeling
- In the first opportunity i'll disappear with low life people - ansiety feeling
- I'll have to win the next elections otherwise i'll have to find other political job- hope feeling
- Crap, i should have done some good for this people - guilty feeling
- My pockets are filled enough for this month - hapiness feeling


Monday, July 2, 2007


What war really is?

what does it mean?









does war leave power forever?

does anger increase selfestime?

does violence solve completely the problem?

does stupidity makes sence?

does frustration cut the legs?

does developement need free killing?

does consequences justify such action?

is there any other ocupations?

Thursday, June 28, 2007


It depends if its right or wrong....
what is right? what is wrong?
How can it be distiguished? and from the eyes of whom?
Politics are society requirements, so rules must me stablished;
right- the right to live in the society that u are born (play by the rules or else...)
wrong-its wrong to manipulate natural rules

we are slaves on our own destiny in the sence that we must accept the environment
where we root ourselves in to.

prison break- even people that live accepting the society in a constructive way, are tempted to
suddenly jump to the margin of what is the politicaly right; so the coin as always to faces;
are we really ourselves? or are we just playing a role in balance of what we've achieve until a certain moment?

well my definition is as it follows:
we are really ourselves, but within a certain walls waiting to look what is behind from them.

slow motion and the music " such a perfect day, drinking sangria in the park....."

saluti per tutti au revoir até à vista hasta la vista auf wieder sehen

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


All fight for something
none really fight...its their fated (canora fatum)


Portuguese people are very peculiar;
they spend so many times dreaming (which could be usefull
if it was apllied to inovative questions or new ideas) , but instead they sing "FADO"
and blame each other for the situation hopping that something happens in between

there are lots of unused knowledge that should be a network to pick up
so much wasted talent....

and waste should be treated by "environmentologists" :)


i wonder if there is some kind of society that
cant be based or pushed by economy, (only tribes u say)

Imagine tribes rulling the rest of the world;

Something like :

great bear
"if u dont do it in our way, our gods will give you lack of rain during next year"


gave myself some minutes to post here something,
it hasn't to be logical or funny either; i would define it as an abstract (like painting)
like writting;

so.... whats wrong with people today? whats the rush? is there really a reason?

wrong: people look into their one ego as the center of the attention.

rush: people do understand that the time is limited so they want to do everything in the shortest glance of time;

reason: is there really a reason ? (i guees the sense of humanity is based on fear, but this is my opinion).....